SEO for Florists


Floristry is a cutthroat business, as every florist business owner knows, and this is even more true online. The competition is intense, and only a few firms succeed. So, how can you make your business stand out, especially when you are often up against huge national competitors?

While SEO for florists isn’t the only solution, it’s a terrific place to start. As a leading provider of SEO for florists, Pearl Lemon can help you harness its power and not only get you found fast online by those searching for what you have to offer but convince them to make you their preferred, go-to provider.

What is SEO for Florists?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a marketing discipline that focuses on increasing visibility in organic (non-paid) search results. Simply put, appearing on Google’s first page. From the text on your website to the way other websites link to you on the internet, SEO encompasses a wide range of factors. Ensuring your site is structured in such a way that search engines understand it is also a big part of SEO for florists.

While it’s important to be search engine friendly, strong florist SEO requires making your site more user-friendly as well. This is Google’s rationale, and it plays a significant role in its algorithms.

The most crucial component of your marketing mix is most likely search. While social media makes headlines, search engines bring traffic to your website in the background. Organic search accounts for 51% of all traffic, while social media accounts for only 5%, so if SEO for florists has not been a priority for you, now is the time to reconsider your marketing plan. Because most people don’t utilize social media as their primary navigation technique, they will always generate less traffic than search engines.

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killer keyword research

Consider the case of someone looking for a wedding florist (or flower delivery) and not finding you. You’re missing out on a lot of prospective clients if your website isn’t visible to search engines.

Search engines should be viewed as answer devices. When a person types terms into a search box, the search engine checks its database of gazillions of documents and does 2 things: returns relevant or useful results to the searcher’s query, and ranks them according to the website’s reliability. The process of effective SEO for florists should affect both relevancy and reliability.

How Pearl Lemon Does SEO for Florists

Because they may easily be gamed, search engines never tell you the specific factors they employ to rank one website over another – and they don’t even tell us, the SEO pros who work with them every day. They are, however, happy to supply us – and you – with best practice guidance. To be fair, these guidelines vary frequently, but here are the most significant elements that are rarely changed and that we employ correctly and efficiently when performing SEO for florists:

Some Of Our Clients


Creating a useful and informative website is critical. The content on your pages should be described simply and accurately. We make sure your many website elements and ALT attributes are descriptive and accurate. Algorithms can’t analyze images; they should be informed what the image represents by putting it in the alt tag.

We make certain that your site has a clear hierarchy and text links too. At least one static text link should be available for each page.

Human-friendly URLs (URL – the address of a World Wide Web page) should be used at all times. For example, should be replaced with Fortunately, most online content management systems make this as simple as making a few simple tweaks, but Pearl Lemon can also work with more complex sites to create those ‘pretty’ URLs if needed.

Content Structure
small business marketing consultant


You must generate content that is keyword-rich and match keywords to what consumers are looking for. If you’re a wedding florist, for example, make sure you focus on weddings rather than other events. While this may seem self-evident, many people wind up writing about a variety of irrelevant topics, which causes search engines to become confused about what the point of your site is, leaving them unsure where to place it in their SERPs results.

A blog dedicated solely to wedding flowers is far superior to one that also provides funeral planning assistance. Even though your company is multifaceted, it’s best to concentrate on one niche at first to establish authority. Consider this: the best blogs you’ve read generally cover a single topic from every possible viewpoint right? Yours should do the same.

Keep Things Fresh

Your website content should be as fresh as your flowers. You’ll need to create new content on a frequent basis. What’s better: a site that was recently updated yesterday or one that hasn’t been updated since 2001? We think you already know the answer to that, both for search bots and for flower-seeking humans.


We build backlinks by obtaining links from websites in your site’s related community. However, we discourage buying links from other websites in order to gain Page Rank rather than visitors, as such scams are frequently detected by Google and penalized. And that is the absolute last thing you need.

back links
small business marketing strategy

Google My Business

For a local florist, a well rounded, complete, and SEO optimized Google My Business profile is a must. However, many business owners don’t know how to make this happen, especially as, to be fair, Google My Business is an ever-changing tool (it’s changed its name three times since its launch for example) that can be hard to master and very time-consuming to keep up with. Choosing Pearl Lemon to provide your SEO for florists means we take care of all that.

The bottom line here is that without effective, and ongoing SEO for florists, your business’ chances of survival, let alone good growth, are seriously diminished.

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Get Started with SEO for florists Today

Ready to work with an SEO for florists provider who can offer you real results that will help you today, tomorrow and for years to come? Contact us today and let’s discuss just how Pearl Lemon can help you.

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