Our SEO Content Checker Ensures Your Blogs Are Optimised


Meet Beth, sheā€™s ourĀ SEO Content CheckerĀ here at Pearl Lemon.

Content really is king, especially when it comes to SEO. Thatā€™s why we have a dedicated team of content writers who specialise in writing content that is optimised for search engines, reader experience and conversion rates.

If youā€™re looking for anĀ SEO Content Editor,Ā BethĀ and the content team here at Pearl Lemon are here to help!Ā Book a callĀ today!

With An Experienced SEO Copywriter On Board, Your Content Will Generate ROI In No Time

There are many tools to check your content. These can be useful for ensuring that itā€™s in line with SEO best practices. However, the aim isnā€™t just to optimise for search engines. You need to optimise your copy for your readers ā€“ and that requires the human touch. Thatā€™s where Beth comes in. Using the likes of Brian Dean and Neil Patelā€™s copy as a benchmark, sheā€™ll ensure that your content will generate a return on your investment.

Some Of Our Clients

What You Can Expect From Our SEO Content Checker

On-Page SEO

Words That Work

If you already have a blog, Beth will conduct an audit of your posts and make suggestions on what we can do to enhance your performance. If we write content for you, our SEO content writer will fully optimise it and Beth will give it a final once over before it goes live.

Targeted Keywords

Get more traffic from more of your target audience.


Copy that is formatted correctly for digital devices.


Get inbound leads & drive sales from your blog posts!

Search Driven

Get all of your posts ranking highly in the SERPs.

As Featured In:

Online Reputation Management

Find Out More About Beth, Your SEO Content Checker!

Beth lives in Jerusalem, Israel. She has three degrees, a BA in History an MSc in Industrial Psychology and an MA in Education. Sheā€™s a mum of two, a coffee lover and a Pilates enthusiast! If youā€™d like Beth to be your SEO content editor ā€“Ā get in touchĀ with us!

What languages do you speak?

English and Hebrew

What countries have youā€™ve been to?

America, Israel, Costa Rica, Belgium, Italy, France, Greece, Mexico, Canada.

Do you have any tattoos?

I have 4 Tattoos. My favourite is a phoenix rising again.

Whatā€™s your star sign?


What would you love to learn in the future?

To play the Violin

Favourite food?


Favourite drink?

Cola (so healthy, I know)

Favourite movie?

Forrest Gump

Favourite book?

Little Women

Favourite thing?

Self Care!

Favourite animal?


What makes you the best at what you do?

I work very hard, Iā€™m dedicated and Iā€™m always learning new skills.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I am a huge Netflix junkie, an avid pilates fan. I love the outdoors and camping. Iā€™m also the biggest pizza lover.

Have you done any adventurous sports/activities?

Ballet, kayaking (but that didnā€™t go so well), Pilates and Yoga. I also enjoy swimming and running.

What might I find you doing on a Fri night?

That depends. If I have my kids, home working and Netflix. If I donā€™t have my kids you can find me out with some friends eating and dancing.

Claim Your FREE Blog Audit, No Strings Attached

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Content Checker FAQs


Since, search engines are not handing out checklists for ā€œhigh-quality content. That means itā€™s up to those of us who geek out on this kind of thing to study search results and create shareable high-quality content.

Most Definitely!

An SEO content strategy includes the following:

ā€¢Ā Ā  Ā SEO writing techniques

ā€¢Ā Ā  Ā A fierce data-driven approach

ā€¢Ā Ā  Ā Key on-page optimization

Thatā€™s a no brainer!

Is there anything as unsettling as a typo in an otherwise great piece of content? No. There isnā€™t. While there is no evidence, at this time, that grammar is a ranking signal, itā€™s a UX/credibility concern.

Hereā€™s what high-quality content should look like:

  1. Is free of spelling and grammatical errors. Proofread. And then have someone else proofread. (No joke, mistakes happen!)
  2. Links to good, reputable sources.Ā Wikipedia counts as a good source to Google, no matter what your high school social studies teacher said.
  3. Has been fact-checked.Ā Just because everyone else quotes that statistic, it doesnā€™t mean you should, unless you can find the source.

Yes, of course!

But, itā€™s all about examining how that keyword is being used in said content.

Listen, Technical SEO is, mostly, an entirely different conversation.

But, there are, however, a few technical considerations relating specifically to individual content:

  1. Content loads quickly.
  2. Ā Content plays well on mobile.
  3. The page is included on the siteā€™s XML sitemap.
  4. Internal links point to the content.
  5. URLs are short.

Good UX is good SEO. When users are engaged, they consume more content, interact with it and share it. From the overarching structure to the details of the layout, make sure you are designing good content.

Make sure that you make use of keywords whilst maintaining the relevancy to your content. Not only will such content become unreadable, but chances are that your website gets blacklisted by search engines.

Trust me, you canā€™t afford to skip on readability. Itā€™s crucial toĀ make sure that the content is interesting and adds value to the readers, instead of just stopping it short with overused keywords. Keywords should not stop the content flow.

High-quality content on social media can be leveraged to help boost SEO standing, making it an integral part of modern optimization efforts.

We'd Love To Hear From You!

If you have any questions, please do get in touch with us! If youā€™d prefer to speak directly to a consultant, Book A Call!