Restaurant PR Agency

hotel, Restaurant PR Agency

We are a society fascinated with what others are thinking, doing, and saying when it comes to following trends and choosing brands. The majority of it is centered around FOMO, or “fear of missing out.” 

Obtaining brand recognition and validation for your restaurant from traditional media, food bloggers, social media influencers, and, honestly, anyone with a following and an opinion valued by your target market should be a priority for any restaurant, large or small. This is where Restaurant PR comes in. 

Whether you run a restaurant, café, or pub and want to promote your brand, Pearl Lemon is a restaurant PR agency that offers the knowledge and skills to help you fill your dining room and build your brand.

Why Do You Need a Restaurant PR Agency ?

You market your restaurant. You did the whole get great logo/get on social media/build a website thing, so why would you need to add restaurant public relations into the mix? Isn’t PR dead in this social media obsessed world? 

Even if you have an award-winning chef in the kitchen creating the greatest and most unique dishes, you can’t expect to get tagged in “foodie” images on social media if eager customers are unfamiliar with your brand. 

The most well-known restaurants achieved their success by creating distinctive brands that do more than just exist; they thrive. When they introduce inventive new consumer acquisition strategies, they continue to delight current customers. 

With the help of a solid restaurant PR plan, launching a new brand or shifting an old image from “not” to “hot” can be achievable goals. A new menu, a new chef, a new dining space can all quickly become the talk of town – and social media – with the right restaurant PR.

build brand
web media for your website

You Need to Control the Messaging Around Your Brand

The best restaurant PR strategy includes developing messaging that informs your brand voice and influences how people think and feel about your food. 

In order for your target audience to understand who you are, what you stand for, and how you can relate to them, a successful public relations plan combines brand voice messaging into any communication opportunity. 

It’s critical to adhere to the company’s brand. It’s not about creating a new story; it’s about discovering who you are and telling your tale convincingly.

You Need to Showcase Your Superior Standards

Accountability and sustainability are critical. Consumers actively seek out companies that are concerned about the common good and practice true corporate social responsibility (CSR) This is especially true for Millennial and Gen Z customers, who have a lot of spending power in the restaurant industry in the twenty-first century. 

Although not every restaurant brand can match the big boys’ social missions, doing something is better than doing nothing, and publicizing the brand’s efforts through good restaurant PR will encourage people to engage more intimately with you and perhaps advocate on your behalf.


Why Choose Pearl Lemon as Your Restaurant PR Agency?

Some PR agencies are, to be frank, stuck in the dark ages in many respects. They are great at writing press releases that are easy to read, but know little about the SEO and distribution methods that will get them into the hands of the right journalists and content creators. They know how to set up social media accounts, but beyond making generic scheduled a week ahead posts they don’t know how to leverage their power. And influencers? They don’t work with them. 

As a restaurant PR agency Pearl Lemon brings together lots of professionals – not just traditional PR experts but also social media experts, SEO wizkids, lead generation specialists and more. When you hire Pearl Lemon as your restaurant PR agency you get the experience and knowledge of the whole company if needed and that’s a lot of very smart and experienced folks!

Ready to really put your restaurant on the map?

Contact us today to chat about your restaurant PR needs and how Pearl Lemon can help fulfill them.

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If you have any questions, please do get in touch with us! If you’d prefer to speak directly to a consultant, Book A Call!