We have been featured over 100 times!

Pour over the variety of platforms Pearl Lemon has been featured on.

Podcast Features

Return on Investment with Deepak Shukla

-Alina Ghost SEO

This podcast features Deepak speaking about Return on Investment for search engine optimisation tasks.

This discussion also covers helpful tracking tools and managing client expectations, also Alina and Deepak share their own secret to success. For more listen here!

Running an SEO Agency and everything in between with Deepak Shukla

-Stories in Business

This podcast features Deepak speaking about What is it like to run an SEO agency, how did Deepak Start and he gives interesting insights on following your passion and everything in between. For more listen here!

Deepak Shukla on Show #95: The Keywords to Success

-Power to Live more

This podcast features Deepak discussing how and why he fell in love with SEO, his thought process behind the SEO services and his unusual approach to management which includes his stand on meetings and calls. For more listen here!


-Mark Struczewski

This podcast features Deepak speaking about how to keep Google happy, minimalist versus long-form copy for websites, mistakes people make with SEO and some of his productivity tips. For more listen here!

Can an Agency Owner be an SEO Expert? (With Deepak Shukla)

-Craig Campbell SEO

In this featured podcast Craig Campbell SEO host Craig Campbell and Deepak chat about clients, problems encountered whilst running an agency and how Deepak is finding agency life 18 months into it. For more listen here!

Build Your Personal Brand #SEOisAEO with Deepak Shukla at #DigitalOlympus

-With Jason Barnard…

This podcast features Deepak With the podcast host Jason Barnard, speaking about building your personal brand, how important it is for both you & your company and how it will serve you well in everything you do in future. For more listen here!

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) with Deepak Shukla

-The Next 100 Days Podcast

This podcast features Deepak speaking about Improving the SEO of web pages, power of self-branding, ranking and top SEO tips. For more listen here!

#047: One New Strategy that Will Grow Your Traffic with Deepak Shukla

-The Blogger Genius Podcast

This podcast features Deepak With The Blogger Genius Podcast host Jillian, talking about online reputation management i.e reviews & testimonials and a new strategy that will grow your traffic. For more listen here!

Deepak Shukla - SEO Expert | Award Winning SEO Agency Pearl

-Zillionaire Superstars

This podcast features Deepak With Zillionaire Superstars Podcast host Angelina, speaking about Pearl Lemon and how he helps businesses ranking on google. For more listen here!

Ep 24: Is SEO Dead? Discussions & Decisions with Deepak Shukla

-MikTek Studios

This podcast features Deepak discussing SEO- White hat optimizations, backlinks utilization, inspiration and success. For more listen here!

Guest Interview with Deepak Shukla- Startup Diary 260

-Startup Diary

In this featured podcast hosts Adam and Harrison interview Deepak, focused on how he established Pearl Lemon.

This is podcast also includes importance of focus and the ability to say no and its impact on his businesses. For more listen here.


This webinar features Deepak and Tom, both top-rated freelancers on Upwork focused in the SEO space with $120k+ billed and rising, discuss how they have sought to benefit from the platform and how you can do the same thing as well. For more, watch here!

In this featured webinar Deepak discusses search engine marketing- why should you care about Google, how ranking on Google can transform your business, the importance of local content and how to dominate Google. For more, watch here!

In this featured webinar Deepak talks about the dark side of his agency life- clients refusing to pay for services, dealing with clients who won’t pay, sophisticated social engineering attacks on agencies, the Intersection of PR and SEO, the challenges of being a Solo Agency Owner and how to overcome them. For more, watch here!

In this featured webinar Deepak discusses how to scale an SEO agency and how he started the SEO business. For more ,watch here!

In this featured webinar Deepak interviewed Deepak Kanakaraju and his partner Sanjay Shenoy about how they took a blog from 0 to 30,000 users a month in less than a year, this webinar also includes topics- how to decide on a niche, content plan & strategy, your first 90 days of building a site and what budget you need, going from 0 to 10, and then 10 to 30,000 users. For more, watch here!

In this featured webinar Deepak discusses SEO for humans.

This webinar also includes discussions on elements of personal and traditional SEO. For more, watch here!


The Mindset For Growth

-Conference With Greek Business Owners, London First Aid Training Speech

In this featured motivational talk Deepak gave a speech to a group of Greek business owners. In this video, the ‘growth mindset’ is covered and what is required to be successful within the space of e-commerce and more broadly, life. This talk is the first 60 mins of a 3-hour speech Deepak gave. For more, watch here!

PUBLIC SPEECH: Bootstrapping a Business in 2019

-Public Speech

In this featured talk, Deepak gave a speech on bootstrapping a business in 2019. This talk also includes Deepak’s personal experiences incorporating Pearl Lemon. For more, watch here!

Blog Posts

Interview with Deepak Shukla, SEO Expert & Founder, Pearl Lemon

-Digital Vidya

This featured blog post Digital Vidya host Pradeep interviews Deepak.

This blogpost also includes information about how Deepak ventured into digital marketing, his favourite tools, hiring and tips for newbies. For more read here!

How To Become SEO Expert With Deepak Shukla (Step By Step Guide)

-Bloggers Ideas

This featured blog post Jitendra Vaswani interviews Deepak.

This blogpost also includes information about How To Become SEO Expert, how to make money doing SEO. For more read here!

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