Pearl Lemon Reviews Clutch

Clutch Profile

Of all the B2B review sites, Clutch can be the most confusing at times. Pearl Lemon Reviews Clutch are things we are proud of, but occasionally potential clients are not sure what they are reading. Are these real Pearl Lemon Reviews from clients, or project descriptions we’ve written ourselves? To help clear up the confusion let’s take a look.

What Is Clutch?

Clutch is a platform for B2B analysis, ratings and feedback that identifies leading suppliers and applications for IT and marketing services on a global level. Based on over a dozen quantitative and qualitative considerations, including consumer feedback, company experience, customer list, industry reputation, and market position, Clutch assesses businesses and publishes the results on their site.

For consumers, Clutch offers a resource that is impartial and factual, and has become a trusted resource for many B2B buyers. Clutch also allows listed businesses to monitor their online credibility via third party, verified feedback and this can improve their exposure and traffic online as well as their reputation within their niche.

What Clutch is Not

Clutch is not a standard review site, like Yelp! Trustpilot or Glassdoor. Each project listing is overseen by independent Clutch moderators. While companies can ‘have their say’ they can’t change what people say about them, and everything is verified, so cheating and fake reviews are all but impossible.

small business marketing consultants
Good Reviews

Should Your Company Be on Clutch?

Clutch is a niche specific platform. It is devoted to IT and marketing companies. Clutch is NOT a place to go if you are looking for any other type of company.

As Pearl Lemon has evolved into a full service digital marketing agency – a long way from the SEO only company we started out as, Pearl Lemon Reviews on Clutch have been very important to us. They offer prospects a much deeper dive into what we do, what we can do, and yes, what we’ve done. And as these are independent reviews – and fact checked and verified reviews at that – serious would be clients tend to take them more seriously.

What Do Pearl Lemon Reviews Clutch Look Like?

Pearl Lemon reviews on Clutch, like other reviews, have several different components. Here’s a screenshot of a recent entry as it appears on the ‘front page’ of our firm’s Clutch listing: –>

As you can see, there’s a lot here to inspire confidence. The project – and the accompanying client review – has been phone verified by Clutch – the budget is listed, something that helps prospects understand the levels we operate at, and important details like client location have been independently fact-checked too.

pearl lemon reviews clutch
pearl lemon reviews clutch uk

These things are important to those considering sinking their marketing budget into working with us. It’s one thing, for example, for a UK based firm to say that they can also serve companies in the US, but quite another to do it.

We all may technically speak the same language, but there are vast differences between the UK and the US in marketing terms. This Pearl Lemon Reviews Clutch example proves we can handle them, and serve clients in the USA every bit as well as we can serve clients, like this one, in the UK.

How Do You Get Listed on Clutch?

If yours is an IT company, or marketing firm, you are probably wondering how you get listed on Clutch. You may also be wondering that if you are a prospective client. Do firms pay their way in? What’s the ‘catch’ here?

To begin with, you’ll need to sign up with a verified LinkedIn profile. You are then allowed to create a user profile for your firm. Pearl Lemon’s Clutch profile looks like this and the rest – there’s a lot more, including verified Pearl Lemon Reviews on Clutch – can be found here.

That done, you choose the level of membership you are interested in. You can use Clutch free of charge, become a Premium member, or opt for a Sponsored Listing. Neither of the latter allow you to change reviews, they simply increase your visibility in search, much as paying for Google Ads does in their SERPs.

Finally, you have to submit, to Clutch, your client references. They will then set about verifying them, the part of the process that really ups the trust level for those who are using the platform to make what are often big purchasing decisions, both in terms of money and the risk to their own reputation if they make the wrong choice.

Pearl Lemon reviews clutch

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