Optimising Image Alt Text

Optimizing image Alt text
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Optimising Image Alt Text: Boost SEO and Accessibility Simultaneously

Have you ever wondered how search engines understand the content of images? Or why some websites rank higher in search results? The answer lies in a crucial yet often overlooked aspect of website optimisation: image alt text. 

We will explore the significance of image alt text and how you can optimise it to enhance both your website’s search engine optimisation (SEO) and accessibility. Let’s dive in!

Understanding Image Alt Text

Before we delve into optimisation techniques, it’s essential to understand what image alt text is and why it matters. Image alt text, or alternative text, briefly describes an image’s content. 

It plays a vital role in conveying the image’s context to search engines, visually impaired users, and individuals using screen readers. Providing accurate and descriptive alt text can enhance your website’s accessibility and ensure search engines can index and rank your images effectively.

Importance of Image Alt Text for SEO

Alt text significantly influences your website’s SEO by providing search engines with valuable information about your images. When optimising alt text, keeping a few key points in mind is essential. 

Firstly, the alt text should be concise, relevant, and specific to the image’s content. Secondly, incorporating relevant keywords in your alt text can help search engines understand the context of the image and improve its visibility in search results. However, it’s important to strike a balance between SEO optimisation and maintaining alt text’s purpose as an accessibility aid.


Crafting Effective Image Alt Text

Crafting effective image alt text requires a thoughtful approach. Start by analysing each image and determining its main subject or purpose. Then, create a concise, descriptive alt text that accurately conveys the image’s content. 

Avoid stuffing alt text with keywords or using generic phrases like “image1234.jpg.” Instead, aim to provide unique and meaningful descriptions. For example, if you have an image of a red bicycle, use alt text like “Red bicycle on a sunny day” instead of “Bicycle.”

Optimising Image Alt Text for Accessibility

Optimising alt text for accessibility is just as crucial as improving SEO. By following accessibility guidelines, you ensure that visually impaired user and those using screen readers can understand and engage with your website’s images. 

Ensure to provide alt text for all meaningful images and empty it for decorative or purely aesthetic images. Screen readers rely on alt text to provide meaningful descriptions, so clarity and accuracy are key. Additionally, consider using ARIA attributes, which provide additional context for complex images such as graphs or charts.

Best Practices and Common Mistakes

To optimise image alt text effectively, it’s essential to be aware of common mistakes to avoid. One common error is leaving alt text blank or using placeholder text, which provides no information to users or search engines. 

Another mistake is using alt text that is too long, leading to a poor user experience and potential keyword stuffing concerns. Lastly, avoid using alt text that is irrelevant or misleading, as this can misguide users and negatively impact your website’s accessibility and SEO efforts.

Testing and Monitoring Alt Text Performance

Once you’ve optimised the alt text on your website, it’s crucial to test and monitor its performance to ensure it’s delivering the desired results. 

Regularly evaluating and refining your alt text strategy can help you identify potential issues and make necessary improvements. Here are a few steps you can take:

  • User Testing: Conduct usability testing with visually impaired users or individuals who rely on screen readers to gather feedback on the effectiveness of your alt text. This valuable input can help you make adjustments and address any accessibility concerns.
  • SEO Analysis: Monitor your website’s search engine rankings and organic traffic to determine if your alt text optimisations positively impact your SEO efforts. Use analytics tools to track the performance of your optimised images in search results.
  • Alt Text Audit: Perform periodic audits of your website’s alt text to ensure consistency, accuracy, and relevance. Identify any missing or improperly formatted alt text and make the necessary updates.
  • Iterative Improvement: Based on the insights gained from user testing and performance analysis, continuously refine your alt text strategy. Stay updated with industry best practices and algorithm changes to adapt and optimise your alt text for evolving search engine requirements.

By regularly testing and monitoring your alt text’s performance, you can fine-tune your optimisation strategy and maximise the benefits for both SEO and accessibility.

Benefits of Optimising Image Alt Text

  • Improved Search Engine Optimisation (SEO): By optimising your image alt text, you provide search engines with valuable information about your images, helping them understand and index your content more effectively. This can lead to higher rankings in search engine results and increased organic traffic to your website.
  • Enhanced Accessibility: Image alt text is crucial for visually impaired users who rely on screen readers to access web content. By providing accurate and descriptive alt text, you create a more inclusive user experience and ensure those visually impaired users can understand the context and purpose of your images.
  • Expanded Audience Reach: Optimised alt text allows your website to be accessible to a broader audience, including those with visual impairments. By making your content more accessible, you increase the likelihood of attracting and engaging with a wider range of users.
  • Increased User Engagement: When users can understand the content of your images through alt text, it improves their overall experience on your website. Engaging alt text can encourage users to spend more time on your site, explore your content further, and potentially convert into customers or subscribers.
  • Better Image Search Results: Search engines consider alt text when indexing and ranking images in image search results. By optimising your alt text with relevant keywords and descriptive language, you increase the chances of your images appearing in relevant search queries, driving targeted traffic to your website.
  • Compliance with Accessibility Standards: Providing alt text for your images ensures that your website meets accessibility standards and guidelines, such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). Compliance with these standards promotes inclusivity and helps you avoid legal issues related to accessibility non-compliance.
  • Brand Visibility and Reputation: Optimising your alt text helps improve the overall quality of your website’s content, making it more appealing and professional. This, in turn, can enhance your brand’s visibility and reputation, as users perceive your website as user-friendly and accessible.
  • Future-Proofing: As technology evolves, alt text remains a fundamental component of web accessibility and SEO. By optimising your alt text now, you future-proof your website and ensure it remains relevant and accessible as new devices, search engine algorithms, and assistive technologies emerge.


Optimising image alt text is a powerful strategy for boosting your website’s SEO and accessibility. Providing accurate and descriptive alt text improves your website’s visibility in search results and creates a more inclusive user experience. 

Remember to craft alt text with both search engines and visually impaired users in mind, and follow best practices to ensure the effectiveness of your optimisation efforts. With a little extra effort, you can enhance your website’s performance and make it accessible to a wider audience. Good luck!

Picture of Michael Thompson
Michael Thompson

🔍 Head of SEO Strategy & Innovation
🚀 Empowering Businesses with Skyrocketing Organic Traffic
🗣️ Industry Speaker
🏆 15+ Years in Digital Marketing
🇬🇧 Based in London, UK

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