Looking to boost your website’s Search engine rankings?

Want to generate quality content?

stepping up

Our interview outreach service will help you:

  1. Improve your site’s E-A-T (expertise, authority and trustworthiness) rating with Google
  2. Provide you with quality content from experts in your industry
  3. Build links back to your website from high-ranking domains
  4. Establish a network of solid connections in your niche
  5. Create opportunities for future collaborations in your space

Here’s how it works...

Step 1: Identifying your site’s unique content needs

We’ll work with you to examine exactly who would bring the most value to your website. We’ll do this by taking a close look at:

  • Your business needs
  • Keywords you can rank for
  • Your target audience
  • Top-performing websites in your niche
user-centric CRO model

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Pearl Lemon Content

Step 2: Creating an interview

Here’s the fun bit: we’ll work with you to create a compelling interview form for your lucky candidates! They’ll have the choice to answer a minimum of 10 questions (you decide which are compulsory) which you can tailor to suit your content preferences.

Step 3: Creating a List

Once we have this information, we’ll use it to select the best expert bloggers/experts in your digital space. We’ll use a variety of cutting-edge tools to put together a list of contacts who’d be a good fit for your interview series. 

Not only will they be established figures in your unique industry – we’ll also ensure that their websites have high domain rankings (meaning quality backlinks for you)!

Webnode SEO Services
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Step 4: Drafting an outreach campaign

After the list is created (and run past you for approval), we’ll work with you to create a multi-step email campaign. Drawing on our own successful templates from past campaigns, we’ll merge this knowledge with your personal brand voice to create a dynamic email campaign!

This email sequence (inviting the contributors on your personalised list to participate in the interview) will launch from a new email account we’ll set up for you with a similar domain name to your company’s current inbox. We’ll ensure that the campaign is staggered at just the right pace to ensure its visibility and integrity!

Step 5: Once the interview is live…

The email campaign will include a link to the interview form – making the whole process autonomous. Once the contributor hits ‘Submit’, it will send the completed questionnaire straight to your web department (and an automatic email to the interviewee confirming receipt). Once the interview goes live on your website, we’ll ensure a follow-up email is sent out, informing the contributor the link is live and asking them to share it to their blog!

Cold Email Campaigns

Some Of Our Clients

As a bonus, our interview forms will also ask contributors to recommend a friend who they think would be a good fit for the series. You’ll then be able to follow up with any recommended contacts – generating even more contributions!

Student scholarship at Pearl Lemon

The benefits of our outreach process:

  • Social sharing from your guest (into their network)
  • Social sharing on Pearl Lemon Official social media (up to 123k impressions)
  • A backlink (potentially) from your guest to increase your domain authority
  • Rank on Google for (potentially) for their own name/company name
  • Build a great relationship
  • Automated growth via recommendations from your guest for NEW guests
  • Regular fresh content (which Google loves)
  • Fresh content for your own social media!

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We'd Love To Hear From You!

If you have any questions, please do get in touch with us! If you’d prefer to speak directly to a consultant, Book A Call!