How To Improve Etsy Seo

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8 Etsy SEO Tips To Help Your Customers Find You

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Are you looking to increase visibility and sales on Etsy? With the right SEO (Search Engine Optimization) strategies, your shop can become a powerful platform for success. In this article, we’ll show you eight essential tips to help improve your Etsy SEO and get more customers to find you.

From including your primary product in your shop title to providing a great customer experience, there are several things that you can do to ensure that your shop stands out from the competition. 

So let’s learn how to ensure your listings are seen by the right people!

1. Include Your Primary Product In Your Shop Title

When creating your Etsy shop title, it is important to include your primary product. This will help your customers when they are sear related products on Etsy. For example, if you are an Etsy shop selling candles, try to include the word “candle” in your shop title like SilverDollarCandleCo does. Doing this will help customers easily identify your products and increase their chances of finding your store. 

Additionally, having a unique and memorable shop title can also help set you apart from other stores and make it easier for shoppers to remember where they saw it later on.

2. Use Keywords In Your Listings

Another way to improve your Etsy SEO is using specific keywords in your listings. Keywords are words or phrases that describe the product you’re selling, and they help customers find what they’re looking for. When creating a listing, take some time to think about the words or phrases someone might use when looking for the items you’re selling.

Then include those terms in your title and description to give shoppers an idea of what they can expect when they click on your listing. Additionally, avoid keyword stuffing – this is when you cram too many keywords into one post, as it can co, me off as spammy and could result in lower rankings.

Finding Keywords For Your Etsy Listings

Finding the right keywords for your Etsy listings is key to increasing visibility and driving sales. The more specific your keywords, the better your chances of being found by potential customers. Start by thinking like a shopper: if you were looking for a specific item, what terms would you use to search for it? Then test those keywords in Etsy’s search tool to see what comes up.

You should also focus on long-tail keywords that contain three or more words. These are closely linked to sales because there is less competition and papers are searchingg for precisely what they want and are more likely to purchase. For example, if you include “gold personalised name necklace” in your keywords list, users who search for that exact term will easily find your listing.

3. Avoid Using The Same Keyword Too Often

When optimising your Etsy listings for search engine optimisation (SEO), it’s important to avoid using the same keyword too often. This is because of de-clumping, when the Etsy search algorithm won’t display more than one or two listings from a particular shop regardless of how well they match the user’s search.

To increase visibility, try using longer phrases with three or more words closely linked to sales. These long-tail keywords contain more specific words and are less competitive, so shoppers searching for precisely what they want will find your listing more easily. 

Make sure all product descriptions and images accurately reflect what shoppers can expect from your listings, and you’ll have a better chance of appearing at the top of search results and driving more sales!

4. Use All 13 Tags In Each Listing

By adding various relevant tags, you can increase your chances of appearing in searches and get more visibility for your products. Make Ensuretags are closely related to the product you’re selling, and don’t repeat any words.

Also, avoid using overly generic or vague words like “cute” or “nice,” as they won’t help you appear in search engine results. Finally, make sure to capitalise the first letter of each tag, so they appear correctly when shoppers search for them.

5. Front-load Listings With Keywords

Front-loading listings with keywords is one of the most important SEO tactics for Etsy sellers. This means you should place the most important details about your shop or item—in other words, the keywords you want to rank for—at the beginning of every field when making a new listing

This helps shoppers find what they’re looking for quickly, and it also helps Etsy’s search algorithm determine which items fit with a user’s search term.

For example, if you’re selling handmade jewellery, you could start your title with “Handmade Gold Jewelry,” followed by other relevant keywords such as “silver,” “bracelet,” and “beaded.” 

By placing these terms at the beginning of your titles and descriptions, you can help ensure that your products appear in relevant searches on Etsy!

6. Renew Your Listings Regularly

It’s important to note that continually renewing or re-listing your items isn’t an effective long-term SEO strategy

However, it can occasionally be useful to renew specific listings at certain times. When you renew a listing, it gets a small, temporary boost in search results. This can last anywhere from a few hours to a few days, depending on how often users search for particular items.

For example, if the keyword your item is optimised for is extremely competitive, it can be beneficial to give it an extra boost during times of higher consumer activity, such as holidays. Renewing listings regularly should always be accompanied by other SEO tactics, such as front-loading keywords and optimising titles and descriptions for relevant keywords.

7. Promote Your Shop To Get Inbound Links

Linking your shop to other websites and blogs can help build credibility, increase traffic, and rank higher in the Etsy search algorithm. One effective way to get more inbound links is to reach out to bloggers and web admins who cover topics related to your store’s niche. You can also use tools like Google Alerts or Ahrefs’ Content Explorer to identify sites linked to items or shops on Etsy.

Once you have identified potential target sites, create a personalised outreach template with relevant content that you think would be interesting (such as tutorials or reviews) that could be shared with their readership, and make sure it’s included in the email as well.

8. Provide Great Customer Experience

Providing a great customer experience is key to getting more sales, ranking higher in search results, and staying in good standing with Etsy. Start by ensuring your shop has complete information on your About page and Shipping, Payment Options, Returns & Exchanges, and Privacy policies.

Answering customer queries promptly, processing returns and exchanges, and responding to negative feedback are all important steps to ensure customers have a positive experience. Consider offering discounts or incentives to loyal buyers as well for an extra level of care. Additionally, be sure to leave positive reviews for customers who have purchased from your shop – these can help draw in new customers through the “Shop Reviews” section on Etsy’s search engine!

Content Clusters


Selling SEO isn’t rocket science, but it can be difficult if you’ve never done it before. The first step is to know exactly what you’re selling and who your best-fit consumer is. Following that, taking the time to determine whether your prospect is a good fit will save you a lot of possible stress later on.

If your prospect feels you can make them a profit and they have the financial means to invest, they will purchase your service. It is up to you to conduct the research, identify the opportunities, and understandably present them.

That’s it for now, but if you have concerns? Let us know!


Is SEO a good skill?

It is highly lucrative when you can develop a proven process for acquiring new clients. And the final way to expand your income in the SEO industry is to build websites you own. You can then use your SEO skills to increase organic traffic.

Can I learn how to sell SEO on my own?

It is a fact of learning that all education is self-education. Although others can facilitate learning, nobody can teach you anything–they can only inspire you to teach yourself. That means if you want to learn search engine optimisation (SEO), you’ll have to take matters into your own hands.

What should I learn first in SEO?

Keyword research should be the very first step on your SEO journey. It is especially important in two common scenarios: Getting to know your niche. When starting a new website, keyword research can provide a great overview of what sub-topics interest people in your niche or industry.

Picture of Michael Thompson
Michael Thompson

🔍 Head of SEO Strategy & Innovation
🚀 Empowering Businesses with Skyrocketing Organic Traffic
🗣️ Industry Speaker
🏆 15+ Years in Digital Marketing
🇬🇧 Based in London, UK

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