The Classical Music PR Agency that is Truly About the Music

classical music

You could be an incredible musician, but if you aren’t getting the right promotion, then your potential is limited. Classical music is a delicate art that needs to be pushed to the right audience.

Focus on your music, let us manage your public image. Build your personal brand as a classical musician with Pearl Lemon PR. We care about the music, but we also care about the person behind the instrument. The person behind the mike should be represented well in the media and promoted with great expertise.

Are you interested in treating your music career like a business? Do you want to invest in PR and take your potential to the next level? Then you’ve come to the right place! Our PR specialists want to help you increase your reach, build a strong brand reputation and develop client relationships.

The Classical Music World is Changing

Things are changing rapidly especially in the music industry. The need for good publicity is becoming increasingly important. In this digital era, musicians are presented with unique opportunities. Instead of lamenting about how things used to be, it’s important for you to take steps in improving your PR. 

Pearl Lemon specializes in digital PR and we use specific strategies to build our clients’ brands. Our team of PR specialists is ready to help you take your publicity to the next level. We want the world to know about you and not just your music. Your audience wants to connect with you, understand you and support you. If you are ready to take this step, feel free to contact us!

Classical Music PR Agency
person music

Show the World the Person Behind the Music

People are more likely to support musicians that they feel connected to. With the right PR strategies, you can create a strong relationship with your audience, fans, and other supporters. They are the reason your music sells and your concert venues aren’t empty. Let’s show them why you are so incredible at what you do, this will only benefit you.Step behind the mic; step behind that instrument and let us make you shine. Our PR specialists will get you noticed by renowned media publications and journalists. You’ll get the right interviews and media mentions you need to grow your personal brand.

Our Classical Music PR Agency


Our PR specialists will use your unique story, history, goals, and passions to help you gain more publicity. Whether you are passionate about charities, personal development, entrepreneurship, or music therapy, we’ll get your message out there. 

PR is about forming narratives. Our team of PR writers formulate stories about you to give the public something to hang on to. This kind of publicity helps your audience understand you better. We work closely with our clients to make sure that we do not misrepresent them. We take their personal image to build a strong brand reputation.


Brand management is an important part of any PR campaign. The problem is, not many classical musicians look at themselves as brands. They often neglect this aspect and it’s important that our clients understand how to harness the power of their personal stories to build credible brands.

With careful strategies, our PR specialists will take your story and turn it into a brand. This will help elevate your brand reputation and spread awareness about it. This will be very useful for your overall credibility and increase your popularity in the media.

Social Media

Social media is a powerful tool to use to connect with your audience and your fans. Your supporters are on Twitter typing away about the songs they hated and loved. They are on YouTube reacting to your latest releases. They are on Instagram waiting for you to go live.

Instead of carelessly using social media, our PR specialists will develop social media PR strategies to ensure that you use it to improve your brand image. If social media is used well, it can be a great asset in building your brand reputation. It’s a lot of work, but our team will do all the work, just trust us!

Ready to bring your classical music PR strategies up to date?

Contact us today to get started.

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If you have any questions, please do get in touch with us! If you’d prefer to speak directly to a consultant, Book A Call!