Reach target audiences, earn recognition and amplify your brand’s voice

with the help of the experts on Pearl Lemon’s B2B PR Agency team

Alternative, Personal Reputation Management, B2B PR Agency, Aviation PR Agency

In today’s fast-paced and dynamic world of brand-to-brand sales, Pearl Lemon is a London-based B2B PR agency that offers effective public relations strategies to a wide range of businesses.

A great B2B PR agency will get your business the exposure and attention it needs to succeed. Our expert staff raises executive and business profiles through blogs, interviews, and awards, establishing you as business thought leaders.

However, this is just one of the many features of our personalized, high-performing B2B PR. To achieve results, our B2B PR agency team will clearly identify your brand and customize your messaging.

It’s no secret that success in business is all about making the right connections. Pearl Lemon uses a targeted media approach to find the right targets and reach out to the right people.

Our B2B PR Agency Mission

We’re not interested in vanity metrics; we’re interested in demonstrating real performance for our clients. We secure inclusion in top-tier business and consumer media outlets, strategic trade media coverage, and downloads of your data-driven content assets with our bespoke B2B public relations strategy. Our team is able to secure strong media results because of our honest and open relationship with clients and the results of this include:

  • Greater brand awareness among target audiences
  • A greater share of voice (SOV) in the media over competitors
  • More traction and exposure for news and announcements about the company.

Our media relations and subject-matter specialists collaborate with you to develop a B2B public relations strategy that yields tangible business results. We’ll identify a strategy that suits your objectives, whether it’s increased brand awareness, increased sales leads, or credible business thought leadership. Or all the above.

Leads To Your Business

To achieve all this, our business PR strategies and services include:

Media Relations

The cornerstone of a successful PR program is media relations, which is also an important part of your marketing mix.

We have the B2B PR experience and comprehensive network of media contacts required to secure top-tier coverage for your brand.

Data Driven B2B PR

With our data-driven public relations strategies, you can start an exciting, buzz generating discussion in your industry. To produce convincing data reports and infographics, we conduct surveys of customers and specific B2B audiences (or analyze proprietary data). Via report downloads, we use this thought-provoking research to create huge media attention, thought leadership opportunities, and sales leads.

Product Launches

It doesn’t matter how good the solution is; if no one knows about it, it’s as if it doesn’t exist at all.

At Pearl Lemon, we start with your objectives and work backwards. We collaborate with you to create a strategic product launch or product relaunch strategy and carry out the tactical measures that follow, such as raising product awareness and cultivating brand advocates to keep the momentum going after the launch.

We’re experts at creating a tailored marketing plan that generates interest in your new product or service. Over the course of several launches, our method has proven to produce the initial momentum needed to succeed. TechCrunch, Mashable, The New York Times, Bloomberg, and The Wall Street Journal, among others, have covered our client’s releases.

Here’s a rundown of the just some of B2B public relations methods we use to ensure product launch success:


We have the knowledge and connections to help you navigate the waters of product PR. We do whatever it takes to get results, whether it’s providing exclusive access to a top-tier media outlet for a thoughtful article or enacting an embargo to maximize effect.

Effective product releases, like a snowball rolling down a hill, attract interest and create buzz long after the initial drive. We see public relations as a vital part of a wider marketing plan, and we work with you to organize activities that will help the product succeed in the long run.

However, sometimes the product isn’t enough to land a feature story. Video, photographs, screenshots, graphics, and context details are all examples of supplemental resources that can help your story stand out. Pearl Lemon will collaborate with you to create these resources in order to secure the perfect placements and ensure that you are prepared to capitalize on the exposure that follows.


We believe in your brand at Pearl Lemon, and we know how to get the word out

Contact our B2B public relations experts to learn more about how we can assist you in achieving your brand awareness, promotion, and media relations objectives.


All forms of public relations involve effective management of a company’s or brand’s image, using both earned and owned media to raise visibility and build credibility. The main difference between B2B and B2C public relations is that B2B public relations is used to help businesses that market their goods and services to other businesses rather than individuals.

It could be argued that there isn’t much of a difference between the two fields. After all, the CEOs and decision makers who determine which tech platforms, insurance plans, or consulting services their businesses will purchase are the same people who buy cars, cellphones, and toothpaste when they’re not at work.

When these individuals are representing their company, however, they have different goals, needs, and challenges than when they are making personal buying decisions. As a consequence, B2B PR necessitates a significantly different set of skills and abilities than B2C PR.

A forensic examination of the company reveals organizational bottlenecks, customer issues, marketplace obstacles, and competitive advantages. We take a deep dive into your consumer journey, from knowledge to conversion and retention, and discover new ways to interact at each touch point with carefully designed communication messages. Then we develop a lean, highly agile approach that is customized to your specific brand.

Back in the day, public relations began with tried-and-true approaches. It’s all about modern technologies and software now. No other field makes as much use of media platforms, especially social media, to communicate with key audiences, distribute key messages, and measure impact as PR does.

Setting up metrics and quantifying your PR performance to assess your success is entirely possible. Print, radio and TV placements and social media statistics are two examples of how to assess the success of a B2B public relations campaign.

No. Spinning entails presenting a skewed version of a story in order to convince the audience.

Public relations specialists disseminate truthful information about their clients and their stories. They send strategic messages, which are the most crucial points of contact. This isn’t spinning. It’s defining the value of key messages so that people can grasp the details quickly.

We'd Love To Hear From You!

If you have any questions, please do get in touch with us! If you’d prefer to speak directly to a consultant, Book A Call!