SEO for Magicians

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It doesn’t matter how much you rehearse your magic; if you don’t have an audience, it’s all for naught. If you’re ready to start performing for the public, you’ll need to create a website to promote your services as a magician, and that website will need to use the power – or is it magic? – of SEO for magicians to appear in front of your target audience.

SEO for magicians isn’t magic, but when executed effectively, the boost it provides to your website traffic via a great position in the search results might seem like it. It’s actually far more of a science, one that, sometimes frustratingly, can change more often than your assistant probably does. But if you work with an SEO agency who knows how to make SEO for magicians work, then you’ll be well on your way to search success.

What is SEO for Magicians?

SEO” is the abbreviation for “search engine optimization.” In simple terms, SEO for magicians refers to the process of optimizing your website in order to boost its exposure when people use Google, Bing, and other search engines to look for products or services linked to your business. The higher your sites’ visibility in search results, the more likely you are to attract attention and draw in new and even returning clients.

Often, magicians get a bit carried away with the bells and whistles on their websites and think about little else. Of course, this is all very natural, as yours is a very visual art, and what better way to promote yourself than by using lots of images and videos and maybe going light on written content.

When they are properly SEO optimized, these can be wonderful ways to hold your visitors’ attention and convince them you are the right choice for their party/event/TV appearance. But they’ll need to find the site first, and that is where SEO comes in.

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The Problem with Visual Magician Websites for Search Bots

The search bots that scurry around the Internet looking for great websites to add to their search index can do many things, but see images is not one of them. All they can gather from images and videos comes from the code they contain.

If that code tells them exactly what a human will see, they’ll be happy and able to determine where your content belongs in their index. They’ll be even happier if there is written content they do understand, delighted if it contains relevant keywords that make their job even easier and positively ecstatic if the content is the kind of informative, engaging content users want to see, as it is these sites that search engines want to show to their users first.

SEO for magicians takes all of this into account and makes use of technical magic of its own to ensure that bots see what they need to, while humans still see exactly what you want them to. As a leading SEO agency for magicians, Pearl Lemon knows all the right technical SEO tricks to get the job done.

When it comes to written content, at Pearl lemon we work our own brand of SEO magic to research keywords and keyphrases, choose the right ones, the ones that will get you found by just the people you hope are looking for you, and then help convince them that you are exactly who they are looking for.

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SEO for Magicians and Local Search

Most people who are looking to hire a magician want you to come to them, which means they search for a local magician. Local search, and therefore local SEO, is rather different than basic search optimization and calls for different – but complementary – keywords, keyphrases and offsite SEO ‘tricks’ to help ensure that searchers find your website when they enter a search query for ‘magician near me’ or ‘magicians in ‘X’.

Offsite SEO for magicians is very important for local search. To be found first in these searches, in addition to your website you’ll need an SEO optimized and very complete Google My Business profile, and you’ll need to keep a close eye on review sites, as well as on the way you and your business is listed in the many Internet directories you might appear in. The good news about working with Pearl Lemon on SEO for magicians is that our SEO wizards do all of this work for you, so you can concentrate on what you do best: astonishing your audiences.

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SEO for Magicians and Voice Search

AI assistants like Alexa, Siri and Google Home have added some tech magic to the world of convenient Internet search. Instead of typing their query, an increasing number of people are asking their AI assistant, that might be sitting on their desk or contained in their phone, smartwatch or even on their car’s dashboard, to find magicians near them.

Most firms who offer SEO for magicians have yet to begin to make use of SEO for voice search, leaving their clients missing out on the chance to attract the attention of a whole new audience. That’s not the case when you work with us. Pearl Lemon has long been aware of the power and potential of voice search – especially voice search for local queries – and work on perfecting our voice search SEO efforts every day.

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Why Work with Pearl Lemon?

Because nothing is set in stone, our SEO for magicians process is unique.

When it comes to SEO, there is no such thing as a “one-size-fits-all” strategy. Today, there are more ways than ever to target and attract potential clients, and each magician requires their own SEO strategy.

Our team has the knowledge and resources necessary to implement SEO for magicians methods that are most effective for each client. There are no boxes to check, and no set processes to follow. Campaigns are tuned and refined on a regular basis to improve the quantity and quality of traffic we generate, as well as the position of your website in search results. And we are always happy to listen to your input every step of the way.

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